AFS volunteers range in age from students to seniors and share a spirit of adventure and a desire to make the world a better place. Volunteering for AFS enables you to build friendships, expand your horizons and give back to your community. The only qualification required is energy and enthusiasm!

How to become an AFS Volunteer



You will have an amazing time no matter what you do for AFS. You’ll meet interesting students, make friends from around the world, work with passionate volunteers and gain intercultural and other skills that will last a lifetime. 


Is this for you?

Have a look at our website. Does what we do resonate with you? Do you like the idea of working in a diverse cultural environment? Meeting new people? Helping students settle into NZ? Being part of fun events?


Send an enquiry

If you’re ready to start volunteering or would like to find out more, please click here to fill in an enquiry form or email us at


Get trained

Once we receive your application and you are approved, the Volunteer Development Team will work with you to identify the most suitable volunteer opportunities for you and offer the necessary training to ensure your success.

What are the benefits of volunteering for AFS?


You can create change

A single person who decides to stand up and do something, creates a wave and that wave inspires others. You can help make change.


Join a community

AFS is a global community. We have 44,000 active volunteers giving back. 


Improve your CV

Volunteering looks great on your CV. So not only do you feel good, but you’re enabling yourself to move forward.



Volunteering for AFS gives you so many opportunities, you can become a support person, or run fun events, or do online training, or interact with students…. there are loads of ways to get involved.

Engaging with my community; meeting people from around the world

“Joining my local group of AFS volunteers gave me the opportunity to develop many skills, such as how to work in a team and interact with people from different backgrounds. As an AFS volunteer, I am more engaged in my community and I meet people from all over the world. Helping students, teachers and families embark on intercultural learning adventures makes me appreciate the importance of world peace and intercultural understanding.”

—Marcela Vazquez, AFS Argentina volunteer 

AFS volunteers get to be involved in lots of exciting projects



  • Match AFS students with host families
  • Help host families get to know their AFS student
  • Be a liaison for host schools
  • Introduce international students to your community
  • Check in with students or host families regularly to monitor programs


  • Organize orientations for study abroad and hosting programs
  • Arrange awesome social events and cultural trips
  • Bring host families together to share experiences
  • Set-up information sessions for students, families or volunteers


  • Guide AFSers and others through intercultural learning journeys
  • Introduce students to your country’s culture
  • Facilitate learning through creative activities
  • Share you own global experience and cultural
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Manage & Lead

  • Launch community projects helping others learn how to respect, appreciate and value other cultures
  • Serve on local AFS groups and boards
  • Learn how to manage local volunteers
  • Inspire others to serve their community

AFS NZ Mission

AFS Aotearoa New Zealand is a volunteer driven, non-government, not-for-profit organisation that provides lifelong intercultural learning opportunities in local and global communities, helping people develop the necessary values, skills and knowledge to foster the aroha, manaakitanga and respect needed for a more just and peaceful world.

AFS supports UN Sustainable Development Goals

AFS believes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) #4 and #16 provide a roadmap to help make our world a better place for all people.

Global Goal #4:


Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning

Goal #4 focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to promote “sustainable development” and “sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development. 

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Global Goal #16


Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

Goal #16 has three main objectives: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

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