Your donation will contribute towards scholarships for financially disadvantaged young people who wouldn’t be able to go on an exchange otherwise. You will empower them to think big and gain incredible skills. You will change their lives!

Please help keep the AFS dream alive for future generations of young New Zealanders.

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Why support AFS?

  • AFS New Zealand is a registered charity that’s been around since 1947.
  • AFS has a solid track record of shaping bright, culturally aware and committed young people who go on to make a difference in the world.
  • Intercultural exchanges develop young people in so many ways, with returnees referring to their exchange as life-changing.
  • AFS is reaching out to people like you to support scholarships for deserving young people who may miss out otherwise because of cost barriers. We don’t want to turn anyone away…
Belgium students

How your gift helps

It costs up to $25,500 for a student to go on an AFS exchange. For many individuals and their families, this is out of reach. Your donation will 

  • Provide scholarships for deserving students who could not go on an exchange otherwise. You choose the value. 
  • Keep the AFS emergency support line open for students and host families
  • Support host families 
  • Ensure Intercultural learning programmes are available for all AFS students

How to Donate

You may prefer to donate by Internet Banking:   
Account Name: AFS Intercultural Programmes

Fundraising Account –
Account Number: 12-3192-0063412-51
[full name]
Particulars: [donation area] optional

Ambulance Fundraising Account –
Account Number: 12-3192-0063412-52
[full name]

Donate Online

Your donation will change lives and have a lasting impact on young New Zealanders. ​Thank you.

AFS New Zealand, PO Box 303-399, North Harbour, Auckland 0751, New Zealand.
Telephone 0800 600 300

Registered Charity No. CC23972

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